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Cementerio Parque Concepcion (Concepcion Cemetery Park) |
Visited the local cemetery here in Concepcion. It's huge.
Bum Toe Steps-Up the Work
So my comp has been confined to the house because of his toe problem. The doctor took out the nail on his big toe and says that it will be at least another three days to a week before he can get back to work. But I am actually more animated, because it has given the members double the opportunity to step forward and help in missionary service. I am so appreciative.
Let me tell you about a few of these good people who have been my companions.
The bishop has come out on some lessons. After hearing me teach, he told me afterwards that I need to ask more questions. He's right. The more I hang with this guy, the more cool he is. For instance, he is a DC Superhero guy. Atta boy!
That is What I Want!
President Tapa, first counselor in the stake presidency, was good enough to join in on a lesson. President Tapa's story is an intriguing one. He converted to the church in 2002. Before, he was very much an Evangelical. His dad was one of those pastors who stood on a street corner with a megaphone yelling at people to repent. When Tapa was old enough to realize he did not have the authority of God, he converted to the Church.
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"Peace to those to give Peace" |
He was the perfect member to join in on our lesson with Juan and Silvana because they too were Evangelical. The most powerful part of the lesson, for me, was when I bore testimony of the Book of Mormon. It sort of caught me off guard that my words came out in such a direct, powerful way. But as I spoke, this feeling of strength and internal peace filled me.
Juan noticed, and said, "That! That is what I want to have! That kind of assurance and conviction of what is True." He and Silvana are searching, even reading scriptures as a couple (they are now in 2 Nephi).
Officially Unofficial Companionship
One afternoon, Elder Cedeno came back from lunch sick, so while our companions convalesced, Elder Brewster and I set out together working in the Leguna Redona ward. That evening, we doubled the work when members, Cristian Lopez and Hermano Del Rio from my ward joined us. The evening was successful.
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Elder Brewster at the Bio Bio River |
Working with members has proven successful because 8 INVESTIGATORS CAME TO CHURCH!!! SIX OF WHOM SET A DATE FOR BAPTISM. I am so grateful to be an instrument in this work.
How Did You Find Out These Things are True?
The Familia Lopez have been real superheroes this week, aiding in lessons, driving us around, even bringing 6 of our investigators to church! Seriously, this family is the BEST.
Anyway, during one of the lessons in which the Lopez's shared their conversion story, investigator Carmen looked at me and asked, "How did you find out these things were true?"
Surprisingly, that is a question I do not get asked that much. Being born and raised in a strong LDS family in which we lived the gospel daily, my conversion is often times much different than that of a convert. My testimony came over the course of my life, through the decisions I made. Through living what I believed. I kind of just learned to do the right things and ask God for confirmation of their veracity. Little-by-little, through many small experiences that have added up to a good life that made a whole lot of sense, I gained the testimony I have today. And, it keeps growing stronger.
That is what I shared with them, and what I leave with you.
Have a great General Conference weekend everyone,
Elder Connor Nef
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