This was a week of singing songs since we practiced "El Cristo Es" ("This is the Christ") as a zone for Zone Conference, and "Que Nino es Este?" ("What Child is This") as a district. What a great way to prepare for Christmas!
Like a Freight Train
Did an exchange this week with an Elder Lecheminant who, like me, is incredibly tall - but beats me by an inch at 6' 6". 45 minutes into working together, and we knock on the door of an old investigator. His name is Andres: he invited us in, and we taught about the Restoration. And BOOM, the Spirit - that feeling of powerful peace - came in like a freight train. By the time we had finished our lesson, Andres told us that he knows the message is true and he wants to follow Christ. I swear, there was a heavenly angelic choir singing in the background.

Fun side note: we visited Hermana Bobadilla, one of the members, and saw that she had a giant paper mache hummingbird in her front yard. Turns out they had used in a parade a while back, but now it just sits getting sun-bleached in front of her house. My companion and I couldn't resist a photo with the magnificent creature.
Further Success
We also had three other great lessons! One with a man named Pedro, a middle aged dude who kept calling us angels. He said he wants to follow God as much as possible. Another was with an investigator the sister missionaries had taught before they were removed from Bulnes. We also passed by Martha and her boyfriend, who are making progress!
And THEN we had a family home evening with Mauricio's and the Branch President's families where they sang in the streets, and we missionaries would talk to the people that lingered nearby. We had so much success - I even got to speak with some young guys that have become friends of mine.
All in all it was a super successful week. It's amazing how music can open so many doors (figuratively and literally). Praise the Almighty!
Feliz Navidad everyone!
Elder Connor Nef
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