The Elders in our District
Always Be Ready
This week's District meeting made me feel a little guilty about teaching with members - we have been struggling to get the help lately. Anyway, we talked about always having a member waiting in the wings to help with lessons because we never know (with their added testimonies) when God will work miracles.
Fortunately, that same day, we were able to have members with us all day, which gave us the ability to have 2 really cool lessons. And then we worked hard and rocked it with members for the rest of the week.
We started off at a member, Hermano Bello's house. We shared a spiritual thought and I felt like we should invite him to come with us to Juan and Silvana's house (even though it wasn't a fixed thing). He agreed, and after going on splits with some other members (and fixing even more appointments), we went to this couple's house.
Faith and Healing
Once we got to Juan and Silvana's with Hermano Bello in tow, we taught a lesson on faith, based on Ether 12:4,6 and 12:
Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen;
wherefore, dispute not because ye see not,
for ye receive no witness
until after the trial of your faith...
If there be no faith among the children of men
God can do no miracle among them;
wherefore, he showed not himself
until after their faith.
wherefore, dispute not because ye see not,
for ye receive no witness
until after the trial of your faith...
If there be no faith among the children of men
God can do no miracle among them;
wherefore, he showed not himself
until after their faith.
We shared that Faith is to have an awareness of God and a full Confidence of His hand in our lives. We then gave a blessing to Silvana for her bronchitis. Hermano Bello explained awesomely that the healing from the blessing depends largely upon their confidence in God's power of healing. Cool. So glad that we had him with us!
Este Fue Gigante!
The other night we were on our way to the Bishop's house to get some keys, when out of nowhere, it began raining - hard. Needless to say, upon arriving at the Bishop's we were soaked, so his 5- and 8-year-old daughters came up to us andeach gave us 3 napkins to dry ourselves off. Adorable.
The rain continued that night. At about 5:30am there was thunder so loud it woke us up. 3 out of the 4 of us in the apartment would have been able to get right back to sleep if it weren't for the 1 who was freaking out - my comp. "Oh my gosh!," he kept saying, "Este fue gigante! (That was huge!)" Poor guy.
Follow the Prompting
Late in the week, we felt like we should visit an older lady in our ward (with health issues) who cannot attend church. It was a good thing we did, because she needed a blessing. After giving her the blessing, she bore her testimony to us. Very sweet experience.
Late in the week, we felt like we should visit an older lady in our ward (with health issues) who cannot attend church. It was a good thing we did, because she needed a blessing. After giving her the blessing, she bore her testimony to us. Very sweet experience.
Remember that Hamster of Happiness button you sent me that says awesome motivational phrases like,
"I'm awesome!
You're awesome!
Today is awesome!
The whole world is awesome!
Well, the zone leaders love it. In fact, Elder Cedeño stole the button, only to later return it along with dozens of hamsters on post-it notes all around the apartment. So funny!
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Awesome job, Elder Cedeño
This weekend began with helping an investigator, Soledad, with some yard work. As we trimmed bushes, we shared James 1:5 with her and invited her to pray about the message.
Then we took ward missionary, Cristian, with us to knock some doors, and met this really good guy in his early 30s named Luciano. Gave him a Restoration pamphlet.
Next on the schedule: splits. Elder Alvarado was able to teach 2 more lessons while I visited a less-active family.
One More Transfer
Cambios have come and I am staying here in Concepcion, but Elder Alvarado is leaving. My new companion will be Elder Fuente Alba, who is, apparently, a really great guy. I am looking forward to meeting him. This is going to be a great transfer. Awesome!
Love to All,
Elder Connor Nef
Then we took ward missionary, Cristian, with us to knock some doors, and met this really good guy in his early 30s named Luciano. Gave him a Restoration pamphlet.
Next on the schedule: splits. Elder Alvarado was able to teach 2 more lessons while I visited a less-active family.
One More Transfer
Cambios have come and I am staying here in Concepcion, but Elder Alvarado is leaving. My new companion will be Elder Fuente Alba, who is, apparently, a really great guy. I am looking forward to meeting him. This is going to be a great transfer. Awesome!
Love to All,
Elder Connor Nef
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