Givin' It Our All
This week, we had one activity that totally bombed (poorly planned by our district - oh well. Live and learn, right?). Even though few investigators came to church and our appointments fell, our District is maintaining success. My comp and I met our goals. What's more - I gave my all. My comp gave his all. We can't control everything but we are leaving it all on the playing field every day.
Work In Progress
During ward Correlation meeting this week, our ward mission leader did it again. He keeps communicating through me and doesn't call on or communicate with the sister missionaries. Not okay. These sisters have a voice and a mind. Guess you can call it a work in progress. It'll get there.

- Someone offered us wine while knocking doors.
- Parral produces a lot of asparagus. They even have an asparagus festival! Funny, the members have never served us asparagus.
- Book of Mormon in German arrived for those who live in Villa Baviera (the little Bavarian community here).
- We helped arrange benches for a wedding.
- With Spring, the mustard plants have shot up.
How Poetic
I realized that my mission is a chiasmus.
Chiasmus (from Greek χιάζω, chiázō, meaning, "to shape like the letter Χ")
Term in literature in which clauses are written and then presented again in reverse order (it mirrors itself), in order to make a larger point. You find this method in poetry and in ancient scripture.examples:
So, ya, it dawned on me that my mission is a chiasmus. I begin and end with a super cool, hard working, blonde, spectacled companion - paired for roughly three transfers each. Beginning in the country and rounding finish in a country town. It's all very poetic.
Happy Halloween
Bet you can't recognize us in our Halloween costumes. Elder Sharp dressed as me (he's wearing his contacts), and I as Elder Sharp. Pretty spooky, huh.
Have a Great Week, Everyone. And, Happy Birthday Grandma!
Elder Connor Nef
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