Rapper Sebas #TodaLaFuerza
Sebas is my bro and loves helping missionaries (he's the guy who likes to rap). The #TodaLaFuerza sign (All the Strength) is our mission motto, you could say.
Elder Tesch, Teacher of Missionaries
Elder Tesch's mission is teaching the missionaries in the mission. Because he has always been called to the far corners of the mission, this was my last chance to see him before he returns home.
Adios to Mission-Bound Leo
Leo, a local member, joined us at our Zone conference. He is leaving on his mission soon, making this one of my last chance meetings. He'll make a great missionary.
P-Day Basketball
Basketball with fellow missionaries and a few members is always a blast. Leo (right), Rodrigo, our ward mission leader (back-center) and his sister Claudia (center) pose with us.
Conference Week
This week was conference week - General Conference and Zone Conference. And every conference whip out a batch of cinnamon rolls (a family General Conference tradition I brought from home).

We made invitations to General Conference for our investigators.
Conference is always a welcome boost, especially now since my comp and I are starting from scratch in building up this area. Honestly, I can use all the inspiration I can get.
Normally, I'd offer a list of my favorite conference talks, but this time it would be too long. Really great messages.
Well, Friends, I think it fitting to end this post with a quote from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's concluding message.
"As we fill our hearts with the love of Christ,
we will awaken with a renewed spiritual freshness
and we will walk joyfully, confidently, awake,
and alive in the light and glory of our beloved Savior,
Jesus Christ."
Here's to a week, awakened, and full of joyful confidence!
Elder Connor Nef
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